The Hard2Watch Podcast

Spidey's Greatest Villian (Or We Bring The Gravity)

Captain LAMOTU Season 2 Episode 12

The debate on comic book villains has raged for decades. Who is the best? Who is the worst? Who has the greatest rouges gallery of all? Well, The H2Dub is about to put some of these questions to rest once and for all as Cap and The Monk discuss arguably the greatest villain of all time as well as the most volcanic take on Spidey's arch enemy that anyone has ever had. Face front true believers! it's time to go excelsior (Which is Latin for "ever upwards" in case you were always wondering what Stan Lee was on about) as we tackle the had hitting questions of the comic book universe....and make fun of Ben Shapiro a little bit too.

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Music Credits: (Happenstances) (Seagal) (H2Dub) (Chuck's Theme)

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